INHCC Mission
The mission of the International NeuroHIV Cure Consortium (INHCC) is to provide cutting-edge investigation and expertise in central nervous system (CNS) aspects of HIV infection relevant to pathogenesis, treatment, and HIV remission, or 'cure.' Beginning with our first project in 2009 to evaluate the neurological implications of acute HIV infection, the group has grown to now encompass investigation into a broad array of early infection and cure strategy work. The consortium was established in 2014 to facilitate scientific exchange among investigators in a diverse array of fields and to leverage all aspects of the research portfolio through multidisciplinary studies during acute and chronic HIV infection and HIV remission studies.
Consortium Leadership
Serena Spudich MD, MA
Yale University
Lydie Trautmann, EngD, PhD
US Military HIV Research Program (MHRP)
INHCC work is sponsored by NIH, NIMH, NINDS, NIAID, the Henry Jackson Foundation (HJF) and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)